• This project is designed to show the use of inheritance and polymorphism.
  • It is meant to be done by yourself, not in a team.
  • The project will be graded on quality of code and documentation, adherence to the requirements, and quality of the testing framework.
  • Please upload your project to your git repository.
  • A word to the wise: Remember that the last 10% of your project takes 90% of the time.
  • Do not wait until the last day or two to create this application. Start as early as possible.


  • Create a Banking application with an Account class, and several subclasses, SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount, that inherit from Account.
  • Create a ListOfAccounts class that uses a single Arraylist<Account> of Savings and Checking accounts.
  • An Account has a name and balance.
  • A Checking account has a transaction fee of $.10 per check or withdrawal, deposits are free.
  • A Savings account has no fees.
  • Create a BankApplication class with a main() function.
  • The BankApplication should create an empty ListOfAccounts object and populate it with accounts of various types.
  • BankApplication should start a GUI (BankAppGUI), and use the MVC pattern.
  • The user should be able to type in the amount to deposit or withdraw in the GUI, and have a 'submit' button next to the input field or fields.
  • The user should be able to create a new account through the GUI.
  • The user should be able to delete an account through the GUI.
  • The user should be able to deposit and withdraw from each account with appropriate fees.
  • The GUI should be able to display a single account, found by name.
  • The GUI should be able to display all the savings accounts in the list.
  • The GUI should be able to display all the checking accounts in the list.