Lab 2: Using Javadoc
- Use the code in chapter 1 as your starting point for a Greeter program.
- Create the program in a subdirectory of your CS203 directory called Greeter.
- Add Javadoc comments to the Greeter Class and the main method.
- Any other classes or methods you create in this project should have Javadoc comments.
- Generate the Javadocs. There are several ways to generate the javadocs:
- Right click on the project name and select “Generate Javadoc”
- Click on Run and select “Generate Javadoc”
- You can then see your Javadocs in a browser by right clicking on a class and choosing “Show Javadoc”.
- Add a setName method to the Greeter class.
- Create a class GreeterApp with a main() method for testing your program.
- In main(), create two Greeter variables that refer to the same Greeter object. Invoke setName on one of the references and sayHello on the other.
- Write a method void swapNames(Greeter other) of the Greeter class that swaps the names of this greeter and another.
- Exercise swapNames in main and show that it works.
- Save your projects on github in your local repository and your Vassar private repository.
- Remember to save your work to your local repository first.
- Remember to be in your cs203 directory when you issue your github commands
- Once you have saved your work in your local repository do a remote save to your private github repository which has been created for you.
- Your private repository has been created within an account called Vassar-cs203.
- Your github address should look like
- Refer to Lab 1 for the github commands. You will be starting with the “git add .” command.