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courses:cs377-201951:vim_resources [2019/01/23 01:33] (current)
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 +====== Vim Resources ======
 +One of the goals this semester is to learn to use Vim: a real text (and programmer's) editor.
 +Here are some resources to help you get started.
 +  * [[wp>Vim_(text_editor)|Vim]] Wikipedia article
 +  * use ''**vimtutor**'' command from the linux prompt to learn basic Vim navigation, modes, and more
 +  * [[http://derekwyatt.org/vim/tutorials/index.html]]: range of video tutorials by Derek Wyatt
 +  * [[http://vimcasts.org/|Vimcasts]]: free screencasts about Vim
 +  * [[http://vim-adventures.com/|VIM Adventures]]: Learn VIM while playing a game
 +  * [[http://yannesposito.com/Scratch/en/blog/Learn-Vim-Progressively/|Learn Vim Progressively]]
 +  * [[http://www.openvim.com|Vim simulator]]: student-tested this semester (Spring 2015)!
 +  * Useful for editing text documents with Vim:
 +    * '':set tw=72'' (sets textwidth of each line to 72)
 +      * then just type, text will wrap from one line to the next automatically
 +    * to "reflow" a paragraph type, position your cursor anywhere in the paragraph and type ''gq'' in Normal mode
 +      * your paragraph will reflow to the textwidth you set
 +    * see [[http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Automatic_word_wrapping]] for more info!
 +  * configure your vim editor with [[http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2332|Pathogen]]
 +    * note: I haven't used this yet, but it looks well worth learning once you're ready to customize your Vim
 +  * more? let me know what helpful resources you find, and I'll add them here!