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 +====== Thesis Timetable ======
 +==== CMPU 300 ====
 +  * Special permission form is required to register for CMPU 300, which is the first half of a year-long course.
 +  * Student is responsible for securing both a primary advisor and a second reader and for providing a paragraph-long description of the project by the end of the third week of classes. If the topic is interdisciplinary, then, with CS department approval, the second reader may be outside the CS department.
 +  * Written draft of thesis proposal is due to advisor one week before course drop deadline. It should include: problem statement, bibliography from literature search, an outline of the approach to solve the problem, evaluation criteria, and significance of the work.
 +  * Each student and advising professor will work out a schedule of due dates for experiments and data collection, chapters, preliminary drafts, etc.
 +==== CMPU 301 ====
 +  * Special permission form is required to register for 301, which is the second half of a year-long course.
 +  * Complete draft of thesis due to second reader three weeks before the last day of classes so that it can be returned to student within a week for any needed changes.
 +  * Final version of thesis due on the last day of classes.
 +  * Student to do a presentation to the CS faculty at the end of the semester.