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events:individual_past_events:2010-09-20_acm_lecture_at_marist_college [2010/11/01 21:18] (current) – created - external edit
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 +/* If you have not already done so, please begin the heading below 
 +   with a date in YYYY-MM-DD format followed by a short description.
 +   This is what will appear in the event listing and the event list 
 +   itself is sorted by this.   */
 +==== 2010-09-20 ACM Lecture at Marist College ====
 +<code text>
 +                    Sponsored by the
 +  Poughkeepsie Chapter of the Association For Computing Machinery
 +                   and Marist College
 +              aaa         ccccccc      mmmmm   mmmmm
 +            a         cc     cc     mm mm   mm mm
 +          aa   aa      cc      c     mm  mm mm  mm
 +        aaaaaaaaa     cc            mm   mmm   mm
 +       aa     aa     cc      c     mm    m    mm   MEETING NOTICE
 +      aa     aa     cc     cc     mm         mm
 +     aa     aa      cccccccc     mm         mm
 +  Program:  Cryptography:  From Enigma to Elliptical Curve Cryptography
 +  Speaker:  Donald Costello
 +            Senior Lecturer and NCITE scholar
 +            Department of Computer Science
 +            University of Nebraska 
 +            Email: 
 +  About the Topic:
 +  The story of cryptography goes back 4000 years and some of the 
 +mathematics employed goes back nearly as long.  With the coming 
 +of the computer age both the field of cryptography and the 
 +mathematics supporting it have been reawakened.
 +  This talk will address the history of cryptography beginning 
 +with the Enigma used by Germany in WWII and broken by world 
 +famous mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing.  It will 
 +continue down to today’s advanced crypto systems such as RSA, PGP 
 +and elliptic curve cryptography. 
 +  The lecture will point out the key role that cryptography plays 
 +in the future of e-commerce and the new products and ways of 
 +doing business that result when secure communications through 
 +cryptography are available. 
 +  About the Speaker:
 +  Don Costello's career has taken him many times from academia to 
 +the business world and back.  
 +  He helped start three Computer Science Departments and three 
 +University Information Technology facilities.  He has taught both 
 +undergraduate and graduate courses, and he has done research in 
 +the areas of Statistical Computing, Performance Modeling, 
 +Standards for Learning Objects, and Managing Intellectual 
 +Property.  He also held a four-year Carnegie Foundation grant to 
 +investigate how IP is managed in universities around the world. 
 +  In his business career Don founded and sold two firms and has 
 +consulted with over 100 firms throughout the world.  Recent 
 +consulting includes work on ERP systems and on SAP, as well as 
 +being a technical consultant on .com and e-Learning projects.  He 
 +is also working on standards for modeling large systems needed to 
 +support e-learning environments. 
 +  Don is a 40-year member of the ACM and is a fellow of the 
 +British Computing Society.
 +  When:     7:30 pm, Monday, Sept 20, 2010           
 +  Where:    Performing Arts Room
 +            (Room 346 in the Student Center)
 +            Marist College, Route 9, Poughkeepsie, NY
 +            Directions:  Building 32 on the map at
 +  Parking:  Parking, on campus, on the west side of Route 9 can
 +            be difficult.  It may be easier to park on the east
 +            side of Route 9, across from Building 25 on the
 +            Marist campus map at
 +  Cost:     Free and open to the public
 +  Dinner:   6 pm at The Mill House Panda, 289 Mill Street, 
 +            Poughkeepsie.  Phone: 845.454.2530.  For directions see
 +    The menu may be the Standard
 +            Package at
 +            All are welcome to join us for dinner.
 +  Refreshments are served after the meeting.  For further 
 +information, email or call 845.522.1971.
 +              P - L - E - A - S - E    P - O - S - T