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events:individual_past_events:poughkeepsie_acm_speaker_jon_bentley [2010/03/16 11:53] (current) – created - external edit
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 +/* If you have not already done so, please begin the heading below 
 +   with a date in YYYY-MM-DD format followed by a short description.
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 +==== 2010-03-15 Poughkeepsie ACM Speaker Jon Bentley ====
 +//Reposted here from [[|Poughkeepsie Chapter of the ACM]] web site.//
 +Poughkeepsie Chapter of the Association For Computing Machinery
 +              aaa         ccccccc      mmmmm   mmmmm
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 +       aa     aa     cc      c     mm    m    mm   MEETING NOTICE
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 +**Program:**  Quicksort 2010: Implementing and Analyzing a Family of Functions
 +**Speaker:**  Jon Bentley, Avaya Labs Research
 +**About the Topic:**
 +For half a century, the fastest comparison-based sort functions 
 +have been variants of Hoare’s classic Quicksort.  But exactly 
 +which variants are best on today’s machines?  This talk describes 
 +experiments to search for the fastest possible implementation of 
 +Quicksort; our hunt is a celebration of the Joy of Programming. 
 +We were surprised by the results: some old champions are now 
 +painfully slow, while long-discarded variants have become 
 +lightning fast.  Along the way, we discovered a desperate need 
 +for a new cost model for sorting, and we laid the foundation for 
 +the Dual-Pivot Quicksort we wrote for Java Development Kit 7.  We 
 +found that explicitly considering a large family (or product 
 +line) of algorithms is a powerful approach.  (This talk describes 
 +joint work with Vladimir Yaroslavskiy and Joshua Bloch.)
 +**About the Speaker:**
 +Jon Bentley is a computer scientist at Avaya Labs Research. 
 +His interests include programming techniques, algorithm design, 
 +and the design of software tools and interfaces.  He has written 
 +three books on programming and articles on a variety of topics, 
 +ranging from the theory of algorithms to software engineering. 
 +Possibly his best known work is the book "Programming Pearls" 
 +(see which is based on the 
 +columns he wrote in the 1980's for the Communications of the ACM.  
 +Bentley received a B.S. at Stanford in 1974 and an M.S. and 
 +Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina in 1976; he then 
 +taught Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon for six years.  He 
 +joined Bell Labs in 1982, and retired in 2001 to join Avaya Labs. 
 +Jon has hiked the Catskill 3500 peaks nine times (including 
 +once solo in the winter), the 46 4000-foot peaks in the 
 +Adirondacks, the 48 4000-footers in New Hampshire's Whites, and 
 +the five 4000-footers in Vermont's Green Mountains.  He has made 
 +numerous rock climbing ascents, both frontcountry and 
 +backcountry, on at least two continents.  He has numerous Medical 
 +Technician rankings, many of them relating to Wilderness EMT.
 +**When:**     7:30 pm, Monday, Mar 15, 2010 
 +**Where:**    Donnelly Hall, Room 225.\\
 +Marist College, Route 9, Poughkeepsie, NY\\
 +(Donnelly Hall is Building 6 on the Marist campus map at
 +**Parking:**  It will be spring break at Marist, so parking will be easy.
 +**Cost:**     Free and open to the public
 +**Dinner:**   6 pm, Palace Diner, 194 Washington Street, POK, 845.473.1576\\
 +All are welcome to join us for dinner.  (Go north on the Route 9
 +Arterial to the St. Francis Hospital exit, turn right, turn 
 +right again.  The Palace is one block further along on the right.) 
 +We thank Marist College for hosting the chapter's meetings.
 +Refreshments are served after the meeting.  For further 
 +information, email or call 845.522.1971.
 +Site Map. This page is available on the web at