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 +====== System Status ======
 +===== Workstations Problem, Tues 12/17 =====
 +System CS129 in OLB104 had a power supply issue.  A ticket has been opened with user services.
 + --- //[[|Rob Casinghino]] 2013/12/17 15:59//
 +===== Workstations Update, Tues 9/17 =====
 +I have done a non-critical update to our automated filesystem mounting for home directories.  These will time-out after 90 minutes (beyond the typical class/lab sessions) to clear up resources on systems.  While the connections are still active and in use, there will be no issues.  If you run into a problem please contact me.
 + --- //[[|Rob Casinghino]] 2013/09/17 15:40//
 +===== Network outage, Saturday 5/11 =====
 +The night of Saturday 5/11/2013 the router for the department network went out. From around 7:10pm to 10:50pm workstations in the labs could not get out to the Internet, nor could anyone from outside the building connect into Mote. The problem was dealt with and all access was restored by 10:50pm.
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2013/05/11 23:50//
 +===== Labs unavailable, Monday 4/1 3:00 - 4:45 ======
 +The labs in OLB (Asprey, Cyberia, Intro) are reserved for mid-term examinations on Monday April 1st, 3:00pm - 4:45pm. Only students working on exams will have access, please plan accordingly.
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2013/03/26 17:00//
 +===== Mote scheduled for reboot, Tuesday 3/26 @ 10:00 =====
 +To keep up with updates and get a fresh start with the second half of the semester Mote will be rebooted at 10:00am Tuesday morning. Please have all running programs stopped and open files saved at that time to prevent any loss of data.
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2013/03/25 10:11//
 +===== New semester, new updates =====
 +Several key packages were updated over the past week. Read about them and get told about gotchas and upcoming removals in the [[sysnews:status:2013_winter_updates|2013 Winter Updates Notes]].
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2013/01/22 21:51//
 +===== Remote access server to be replaced morning of Nov 12 =====
 +The new remote access server that brings far more hardware capacity and lines up with the current lab workstations is ready for use and will be put into production Monday, November 12th. [[:sysnews:status:2012-11-12_mote_migration|Read about how the outage may affect you]].
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2012/11/08 16:45//
 +===== Oct 29 Storm information =====
 +In preparations for possible power outages from today's storms I have preemptively shutdown the Intro lab, the research lab, the classroom and several pieces of office equipment. The Asprey Lab will remain up until we lose power. The server rack will also stay on until we lose power. We have about 20 minutes of battery uptime to keep the network going but in the event of a power outage I will have to evaluate a complete shutdown. Stay safe everyone.
 +--- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2012/10/29 12:15//
 +===== RESOLVED: emacs is crashing X =====
 +There is a problem I am currently investigating with emacs in which calling it is crashing X. So far this appears to only be a problem on the podium workstations in OLB 105 and OLB 205. If can be worked around in the meantime by calling emacs with //-nw// or //--no-window-system//.
 +--- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2012/09/06 13:56//
 +The problem also turned out to affect DrScheme, but is now resolved. Emacs works in graphical mode again.
 +--- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2012/09/13 9:35//
 +===== New workstations =====
 +The labs and classrooms have new hardware and all new software installed. [[sysnews:status:2012_workstations|Read all about it]].
 +--- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2012/09/04 10:00//
 +===== mote33 reboot =====
 +mote33 got locked up with an update and needed to be reboot. It should be all set again.
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2012/09/03 20:57//
 +===== Fri. Aug 3, 8:00pm - Shutdown...complete ====
 +All CS services will be shutdown Friday August 3rd at 8:00pm for a central campus power shutdown. Services are expected to be restored around 8:30 pm Saturday August 4th. For more details see our [[sysnews:status:2012-08-04_shutdown|Shutdown Announcement]].
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2012/07/30 14:30//
 +All services have been restored.
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2012/08/04 22:33//
 +===== mote33 maintenance complete  =====
 +mote33 was brought down for updates this morning at 10:00.  The process ran long but the system was back up and available before 11:00.
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2012/01/20 10:55//
 +===== Asprey Printer Maintenance =====
 +The pickup roller in the Asprey printer has been causing "paper jams" It has been replaced and printing seems fine now.
 + --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2011/12/12 14:02//
 +===== Mon. Sept 19, 17:30 - Drive rebuild on filer =====
 +The filer server is rebuilding one of its drive arrays after the replacement of a bad disk.  While there is no outage, some students will notice some delay tonight as the array takes a couple hours to resync its data.
 +  --- //[[|Ben Stoutenburgh]] 2011/09/19 17:32//
 +===== Sunday Eve & Monday May 29 and 30 2011 System Issues =====
 +For some of Sunday Eve through 5:30pm Monday several servers and users home directories were not available.  As of 5:30 pm Monday,   May 30 everything should be back up and available.  If it is not, please let me know.  --- //[[|Greg Priest-Dorman]] 2011/05/30 19:04//
 +===== Saturday, April 30 some servers going down to protect them =====
 +The cooling system for our server room is off line.  I have shut down several less essential systems in hopes of being able to keep the remaining systems alive and running,  so far this is working.
 +  --- //[[|Greg Priest-Dorman]] 2011/04/30 17:58//
 +===== Wed. March 30, 8:30am brief network interruption =====
 +The network connection for the CS department was disconnected Wed. Morning while CIS tested new network equipment.  It is back up now.  
 +--- //[[|Greg Priest-Dorman]] 2011/03/30 09:22//
 +===== Remote Access Problems =====
 +The new 32 core remote access server has crashed twice today (3/22/2011) I am bringing back the old one while I work on the new one.  Our older (4 core/8gig) remote access ssh/vnc server is back on line for now.
 + --- //[[|Greg Priest-Dorman]] 2011/03/22 16:34//
 +===== Remote ssh/vnc access server replacedThurs. March 10th =====
 +Our remote ssh/vnc server was off line for a little while late morning Thursday March 10th while it was replaced with a newer more powerful box.  The new server is up and running.  If you have any problems with it please let me know.  The new box has much more memory, more network bandwith and many more processors.  Enjoy,
 + --- //[[|Greg Priest-Dorman]] 2011/03/10 12:27//
 +===== Department http proxy server - end of life  =====
 +We have had a squid proxy server for use in the department. It was not available from outside
 +The machine that was our http proxy server is being turned off over spring break.
 +I do not know if it will be replaced.
 +If you notice problems browsing please check if you are using or for your http proxy, if so, remove it.
 + --- //[[|Greg Priest-Dorman]] 2011/03/09 06:45//
 +===== Printing - Asprey and vprint =====
 +==== The Asprey printer is now working ====
 +It has a new toner cartage and seems to be working well with it.
 + ==== Vprint from CS machines - not yet ====
 +I am working on enabling access to vprint printing from within the department.  It is not working yet.  If you are working on one of the department machines and happen to see "vprint" as a printer it is because I am working on it.  You will note the location and description reads "NOT YET WORKING - DO NOT USE".
 +Once I have it working I will change this message and that one.
 + --- //[[|Greg Priest-Dorman]] 2011/03/04 08:48//
 +===== 64 bit OS =====
 +As of Summer 2010 all desktop linux systems in the department are running a 64 bit version of linux.
 +If you have any problems with the new system please let me know.  So far there have only been two problems related to the change from 32bit to 64bit, but something else may emerge as time goes on. 
 + --- //[[|Greg Priest-Dorman]] 2010/12/30 09:39//