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 +====== Running Notes======
 +===== And Human Evolution =====
 +  -[[|Dennis M. Bramble1 & Daniel E. Lieberman 2004 article in Nature]]
 +  -[[|Travis Rayne Pickeringa and Henry T. Bunna responce to above ]]
 +  - [[|The evolution of endurance running and the tyranny of ethnography: A reply to Pickering and Bunn (2007)]]
 +===== barefoot running =====
 +Nature 463, 531-535(28 January 2010) Foot strike patterns and collision forces in habitually
 +barefoot versus shod runners [[|abstract]]/[[|html]][[|pdf]]
 +I'll try to take some pictures of the setup soon.
 +===== Shoe Attempts =====
 +As it gets colder and damper I am trying some things to extend the time I can use my VFFs:
 +==== VFFs & Yaktrax ====
 +This works great! 
 +Just put the yaktrax on over your VFFs.  Newer yaktrax don't work quite as well as they added a reinforcing bit of rubber that prevents you from pulling them on so that they run between your toes, but even so, they work great for when the conditions are icy.
 +==== Bog shoes over VFFS ====
 +I am playing with putting on a pair of my bog shoes over my FiveFingers but 
 +I'm not sure if this is any better than running in bogs with shoe liners (the thick sock like ones).  
 +Here is the bottom after the walk/run:
 +==== Simple Leather Sandals ====
 +In preparation for running at Pennsic this year I made some leather huaraches and ran in those.  They worked out quite well.  I do use socks with them, I wear them with a pair of Injinji bamboo sock liners and then a thick conventional sock.  By leaving the conventional socks a bit loose in the front I have had no problem using them with the strap between the big toe.  Leather thickness does make a big difference.  I think what I am using is 12 or 15 oz veg tan.  It is some I had left over from my armor making days so it something I bought a long time ago and so don't know the weight for sure.      
 +==== Accelerometer Study ====
 +Now that it is warmer I have been attaching an accelerometer(( to myself to see about impact forces.  So far I am still gathering data, mostly by attaching it under the strap of the VFFs on the inside of my left foot below my ankle.  Early results seem to confirm lower g-force when running barefoot than when walking with normal heal strike. 
 +==== Socks ====
 +A few folks have asked, so here is where I have purchased toe socks:
 +[[]] injinji Performance Micro Toe Sock
 +[[]] sockdreams - lots of toe socks
 +Alternatively, carfully cutting slots in the front of tube socks works nicely as well:((slit tube socks is what I am wearing in the bog shoe pictures))
 +(pictures soon)