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people:priestdo:tips:style_test [2008/05/07 10:50] (current) – created - external edit
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 +====== Style Test ======
 +====== Level 1 Headline ======
 +Plain text  **Bold Text**  //Italic Text//  __Underlined Text__  ''Code Text''  <del>Strike-through Text</del>  !!SmallCaps!!  $$Sample$$  ??Variable??  ``Keyboard``  @@Definition@@  &&Citation&&  ""Quote""  ""=|Quote w/Cite""  /!Inverse!/
 +===== Level 2 Headline =====
 +Plain text  **Bold Text**  //Italic Text//  __Underlined Text__  ''Code Text''  <del>Strike-through Text</del>  !!SmallCaps!!  $$Sample$$  ??Variable??  ``Keyboard``  @@Definition@@  &&Citation&&  ""Quote""  ""=|Quote w/Cite""  /!Inverse!/
 +==== Level 3 Headline ====
 +Plain text  **Bold Text**  //Italic Text//  __Underlined Text__  ''Code Text''  <del>Strike-through Text</del>  !!SmallCaps!!  $$Sample$$  ??Variable??  ``Keyboard``  @@Definition@@  &&Citation&&  ""Quote""  ""=|Quote w/Cite""  /!Inverse!/
 +=== Level 4 Headline ===
 +Plain text  **Bold Text**  //Italic Text//  __Underlined Text__  ''Code Text''  <del>Strike-through Text</del>  !!SmallCaps!!  $$Sample$$  ??Variable??  ``Keyboard``  @@Definition@@  &&Citation&&  ""Quote""  ""=|Quote w/Cite""  /!Inverse!/
 +== Level 5 Headline ==
 +Plain text  **Bold Text**  //Italic Text//  __Underlined Text__  ''Code Text''  <del>Strike-through Text</del>  !!SmallCaps!!  $$Sample$$  ??Variable??  ``Keyboard``  @@Definition@@  &&Citation&&  ""Quote""  ""=|Quote w/Cite""  /!Inverse!/
 +==== Fortune Plugin Test ==== 