Pyret Tables Documentation

This page describes the functions used in class and in the textbook for working with tables in Pyret.

In the Pyret documentation, you may see other ways of manipulating tables, but we expect you to use the functions listed on this page.

Getting started

Always start by adding this include statement at the top of your file:

include shared-gdrive("dcic-2021", "1wyQZj_L0qqV9Ekgr9au6RX2iqt2Ga8Ep")

Creating a Table from scratch

To define a Table, we can write it using this syntax:

table: col0-name, col1-name, ...
  row: r0c0, r0c1, ...
  row: r1c0, r1c1, ...
  row: r2c0, r2c1, ...

For example,

my-table =
  table: name, age, favorite-color
    row: "Bob", 12, "blue"
    row: "Alice", 17, "green"
    row: "Eve", 13, "red"

The Table my-table defined here is used for many of the examples below. Evaluating my-table in the interactions pane after running the definition above will display a formatted version of the Table:

››› my-table

table example

Accessing a Row or value in a Table

Getting a row

Remember to begin counting from 0 rather than 1. To get a specific row number from the table, use row-n, e.g.,

››› my-table.row-n(0)

Getting a value

The syntax row[col-name] accesses a Row at a particular column, resulting in a particular value, e.g.,

››› my-table.row-n(0)["age"]
››› alice-row = my-table.row-n(1)
››› alice-row["favorite-color"]

Creating and extracting Tables

filter-with(t :: Table, keep :: (Row -> Boolean)) -> Table

Given a Table and a predicate on rows, returns a Table with only the rows for which the predicate returns true.

Example: Suppose we wanted to keep only rows of my-table that have an "age" value less than 15. Here is an example “predicate” function (the input named keep for filter-with):

fun age-under-fifteen(r :: Row) -> Boolean:
  doc: "Return true if the Number in row r, column 'age' is less than 15"
  r["age"] < 15
››› filter-with(my-table, age-under-fifteen)
name     age   favorite-color
"Bob"    12    "blue"
"Eve"    13    "red"
order-by(t :: Table, colname :: String, sort-up :: Boolean) -> Table

Given a Table and the name of a column in that Table, return a Table with the same rows ordered based on the named column. If sort-up is true, the Table will be sorted in ascending order, otherwise it will be in descending order.

››› order-by(my-table, "age", true)
name       age   favorite-color
"Bob"      12    "blue"
"Eve"      13    "red"
"Alice"    17    "green"
››› order-by(my-table, "age", false)
name       age   favorite-color
"Alice"    17    "green"
"Eve"      13    "red"
"Bob"      12    "blue"
build-column(t :: Table, colname :: String, builder :: (Row -> A)) -> Table

Takes an existing Table and produces a new Table with an additional column with the given colname, using builder to produce the values for that column, once for each row.

Here, A is the type of the new column, determined by the type of value the builder function returns.

Example: Suppose we wanted to create a column that tells us whether or not the value in each Row’s "age" column is in the “teens” (i.e., thirteen to nineteen). Here is an example builder function:

fun is-teenager-builder(r :: Row) -> Boolean:
  doc: "Return true if the Number in row r, column 'age' is > 12 and < 20"
  (r["age"] > 12) and (r["age"] < 20)
››› build-column(my-table, "is-teenager", is-teenager-builder)
name       age   favorite-color  is-teenager
"Bob"      12    "blue"          false
"Alice"    17    "green"         true
"Eve"      13    "red"           true
add-row(t :: Table, r :: Row) -> Table

Takes a Table and a Row to add and produces a new Table with the rows from the original table followed by the given Row.

Example: Suppose we have this other table, inspiringly named other-table, and we want to add its second Row to our original table, my-table:

other-table =
  table: name, age, favorite-color
    row: "Julia", 21, "marigold"
    row: "Colton", 19, "blue"
    row: "Monica", 20, "purple"
    row: "Giselle", 21, "red"
››› new-row = other-table.row-n(1)
››› add-row(my-table, new-row)
name      age   favorite-color
"Bob"     12    "blue"
"Alice"   17    "green"
"Eve"     13    "red"
"Colton"  19    "blue"
add-col(t :: Table, colname :: String, c-vals :: List<Any>) -> Table

Takes a String representing a column name and a List of values and produces a new Table with the columns of the input Table followed by a column with the given name and values. Note that the length of c-vals must equal the length of the Table.

Example: Here’s a List<String> representing hair colors, which we want to add to my-table as a column:

››› hair-color-c-vals = [list: "brown", "red", "blonde"]
››› add-col(my-table, "hair-color", hair-color-c-vals)
name      age   favorite-color  hair-color
"Bob"     12    "blue"          "brown"
"Alice"   17    "green"         "red"
"Eve"     13    "red"           "blonde"
select-columns(t :: Table, colnames :: List<String>) -> Table

Takes a Table and a List<String> containing column names, and produces a new Table containing only those columns. The order of the columns is as given in the input List.


››› desired-colnames = [list: "name", "favorite-color"]
››› select-columns(my-table, desired-colnames)
name     favorite-color
"Bob"    "blue"
"Alice"  "green"
"Eve"    "red"
transform-column(t :: Table, colname :: String, f :: (A -> B)) -> Table

Takes a Table, a String representing a column name, and a transformation function and produces a new Table where the transformation function has been applied to all values in the named column. The values in the original column are of type A (the input type of the function) and values in the new column have type B (the output type of the function).

Example: Suppose the rows of my-table represent a family whose last name is “Smith”. We want to change each name in the "name" column to whatever String is currently in the column plus the String " Smith" after it.

Here is a transformation function for this example:

fun add-last-name(name :: String) -> String:
  doc: "Consumes a String; returns that String + ' Smith'"
  name + " Smith"
››› transform-column(my-table, "name", add-last-name)
name           age   favorite-color
"Bob Smith"    12    "blue"
"Alice Smith"  17    "green"
"Eve Smith"    13    "red"

Extracting data through Table methods

Table methods are how we extract data from a table. Methods are similar in spirit to functions, but their notation – table.operation(args) – is more suggestive of going inside a table to extract data.

t.length() -> Number

For the Table named t, returns a Number representing the number of rows in the Table.

››› my-table.length()
t.get-column(colname :: String) -> List<A>

Returns a List of the values in the named column in the Table named t. A is the type of the data in the named column.

››› my-table.get-column("name")
[list: "Bob", "Alice", "Eve"]
t.drop(colname :: String) -> Table

Returns a Table that is the same as Table t, except without the column whose name is colname.

››› my-table.drop("age")
name      favorite-color
"Bob"     "blue"
"Alice"   "green"
"Eve"     "red"

Summarizing columns

sum(t :: Table, colname :: String) -> Number

Takes a Table and a String representing the name of a column in that Table. Returns a Number representing the sum of the values in the column. Note that the given column must contain Number values.

››› sum(my-table, "age")
mean(t :: Table, colname :: String) -> Number

Takes a Table and a String representing the name of a column in that Table. Returns a Number representing the mean (average value) of values in the column. Note that the given column must contain Number values

››› mean(my-table, "age")
median(t :: Table, colname :: String) -> Number

Takes a Table and a String representing the name of a column in that Table. Returns a Number representing the median (middle value) of values in the column. Note that the given column must contain Number values.

››› median(my-table, "age")
modes(t :: Table, colname :: String) -> List<A>

Takes a Table and a String representing the name of a column in that Table. Returns a List<Number> containing the modes (most frequently occurring values) in the given column, where A is the type of data in the given column.

››› modes(my-table, "age")
[list: ]
››› new-table =
  table: color
    row: "blue"
    row: "blue"
    row: "red"
››› modes(new-table, "color")
[list: "blue"]
stdev(t :: Table, colname :: String) -> Number

Takes a Table and a String representing the name of a column in that Table. Returns a Number representing the standard deviation (a measure of how spread out values are) of the values in the given column. Note that the given column must contain Number values.

››› stdev(my-table, "age")
count(tab :: Table, colname :: String) -> Table

Takes a Table and a String representing the name of a column in that Table. Produces a Table that summarizes how many rows have each value in the given column.

››› count(my-table, "age")
value    count
"Eve"    1
"Alice"  1
"Bob"    1

Plots and charts

In this section, we’ll use the following table of heights and weights, height-weight-table to illustrate many of the following plot and chart functions:

height-weight-table =
  table: height, weight
    row: 74, 242
    row: 69, 162
    row: 74, 213
    row: 72, 220
    row: 70, 206
histogram(t :: Table, colname :: String, bin-width :: Number) -> Image

Displays an Image of a histogram of values in the named column, which must contain numeric data. bin-width indicates the width of bins in the histogram.

››› histogram(height-weight-table, "height", 3)
histogram of heights from height-weight-table
scatter-plot(t :: Table, xs :: String, ys :: String) -> Image

Displays an Image of a scatter plot from the given table. xs names the column in t to use for x-values, and ys names the column in t to use for y-values. Both columns must contain Number values.

››› scatter-plot(height-weight-table, "height", "weight")
scatter plot of heights and weights from
lr-plot(t :: Table, xs :: String, ys :: String) -> Image

Like a call to scatter-plot with the same inputs. The difference is that a linear regression will be attempted on the elements of the plot, and a regression line will the be drawn over the data.

››› lr-plot(height-weight-table, "height", "weight")
linear regression plot of heights and weights from
pie-chart(t :: Table, ls :: String, vs :: String) -> Image

Display an Image of a pie-chart from the given Table (one slice per row). ls is the label to use for the chart, and vs names the column of the Table to use for values in the pie chart.

example-syllabus-table =
  table: course-component, grade-weight
    row: "Drills/Lecture Activities", 10
    row: "Labs", 10
    row: "Homeworks", 25
    row: "Projects", 25
    row: "Code Check-ins", 15
    row: "Exams", 15
››› pie-chart(example-syllabus-table, "course-component", "grade-weight")
pie chart of grade weights from example-syllabus-table
bar-chart(t :: Table, ls :: String, vs :: String) -> Image

Displays an Image of a bar-chart from the given Table (one bar per row). ls names the column of the Table to use for labels, and vs names the column of the Table to use for values in the bar chart.

example-syllabus-table =
  table: course-component, grade-weight
    row: "Drills/Lecture Activities", 10
    row: "Labs", 10
    row: "Homeworks", 25
    row: "Projects", 25
    row: "Code Check-ins", 15
    row: "Exams", 15
››› bar-chart(example-syllabus-table, "course-component", "grade-weight")
bar chart of grade weights from syllabus-table
freq-bar-chart(t :: Table, vs :: String) -> Image

Display an Image of a frequency bar-chart from the given Table. There is one bar for each unique value of the column with name vs (showing the number of occurrences of that value).

favorite-colors-table =
  table: color
    row: "blue"
    row: "red"
    row: "green"
    row: "blue"
    row: "blue"
    row: "red"
››› freq-bar-chart(favorite-colors-table, "color")
frequency bar chart of colors from favorite-colors-table
box-plot(t :: Table, vs :: String) -> Image

Produces an Image of a box plot of the values in the column named vs in the Table. A box plot shows the minimum, maximum, and median values of a column, as well as the first (lowest) and third quartiles of the dataset; this is helpful for seeing the variation in a dataset.

››› box-plot(height-weight-table, "weight")
box plot of weights from heights-weights-table