Plain text 3d? Yep. Here are some simple examples to warm you up for the more complex pages to come. Look at the screen (or page if this has been printed out) and see if you can get the 2 X's below to look like like 3 X's. This is the basic skill needed for viewing the images. When you do this you are fooling you brain into thinking the image is further away than it realy is. Once you can do that we can play with the spacing between the letter and your brain will interpret that as distance You may need to play with the font size (smaller may be better) and your distance from the page or screen to get the effect to work. Also be sure that you are level with the image. Ok, give it a try with the simple images below 1) try to see three X's and columns of text. X X : : : : This is : This is : : a test. : a test. : : Its all : Its all : : in one : in one : : plane. : plane. : 2) ok, now try one with a little depth. X X : : : : This is : This is : : a test. : a test. : : Its in : Its in : : two : two : : planes . : planes. : : : : : Cool huh? : Cool huh? : : : : 3) and now for the last example. X X : : : : that's : that's : : all : all : : folks! : folks! : : : : ok, now try the some full 3d pages.