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Re: Update

On dim, 2007-02-18 at 19:04 -0800, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi,
>      I was able to get TCLX to compile, and the Espeak server to run.  I
> have noticed some odd behavior from it, though: sometimes it will stop,
> or not read the line when told to do so.  It also occasionally says
> 'stop', and doesn't speak the next character, whatever it is.

This regression appears after eSpeak 1.18 and has been fixed recently.

If you are using eSpeak 1.20, please edit the file src/wave.cpp, and
comment line 707:
 err=0; // avoid warning
Notice that line 345 also has "err=0; // avoid warning", but it is not
necessary to comment it.



Oralux http://oralux.org

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