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[emacspeak The Complete Audio Desktop] Searching The Emacspeak Knowledge Base

Information about Emacspeak and its use is available from a collection of Web sites, and being able to restrict the search to these authoritative sources is a good way of quickly finding the right document, without being distracted by the numerous hits one finds when doing a search across the whole Web. You can now search the Emacspeak Knowledge Base by using search form emacspeak-search.html; access it via Emacspeak command emacspeak-websearch and specify /to bring up the list of available forms. This form is also the default search form on the Emacspeak Web site.

HowTo: Implement Emacspeak Knowledge Base Search

Implementing the above using CSE is trivial --- all I needed to do was:

  1. Checked in an HTML file into the Emacspeak repository at Knowledge Base.
  2. Create a CSE that uses the above document.

Posted By T. V. Raman to emacspeak The Complete Audio Desktop at 7/06/2007 05:53:00 PM

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