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emacspeak inside vmware

Try three for sending this :( wrong from header.


Actually it is the other way around.

The emacspeak server is sluggish, speaking over the top of itself, the
gnome speech server seems ok.

Are you using a .asoundrc file?  The example in the linux-outloud
directory doesn't work for me but running without one does.

Have you tweaked anything else?

Are you running windows xp as the host?



T. V. Raman writes:
 > I'm definitely doing what you say you're doing and am not
 > noticing any sluggishness. I'm using the emacspeak speech server
 > with orca, not the gnome-speech server; I suspect the latter
 > might be your problem.
 > >>>>> "bart" == bart  <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
 >     bart> Hi, I'm not sure that this list is the appropriate
 >     bart> place to ask this but it was the best I could think of
 >     bart> :).
 >     bart> 
 >     bart> I'm running emacspeak inside a ubuntu vm.
 >     bart> 
 >     bart> All is working reasonably well, I have orca and
 >     bart> emacspeak working.
 >     bart> 
 >     bart> I am however finding that the outloud speech server is
 >     bart> sluggish to shut up.  It works but at times I get
 >     bart> speech talking over the top of itself.
 >     bart> 
 >     bart> This problem doesn't appear to exist with the viavoice
 >     bart> gnome speech driver.
 >     bart> 
 >     bart> Is anyone else doing anything similar and do you have
 >     bart> any tips?
 >     bart> 
 >     bart> Regards
 >     bart> 
 >     bart> Bart
 >     bart> 
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 > -- 
 > Best Regards,
 > --raman
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 > AIM:    emacspeak       GTalk: tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx
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 > Google: tv+raman 
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