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problems with tonight's svn update

W3m is broken at present with xslt -- but w3 works well -- w3m
needs a major rewrite -- and its interaction with browse-url
needs to be better understood for this.

It's not something I'll have much time for --- however the old
version was unmaintainable and duplicating too much code. 

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert D Crawford <rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Robert> It is very possible that these problems are known and
    Robert> are being addressed but I feel I should mention them
    Robert> anyway.
    Robert> Using w3 and w3m, I no longer have the ability to use
    Robert> xslt.  No matter what I try to apply.  Using the url
    Robert> template for google hits I get this backtrace:
    Robert> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable
    Robert> emacspeak-websearch-google-number-of-results) #[nil
    Robert> "?"
    Robert> [emacspeak-websearch-google-number-of-results] 1]()
    Robert> #[(g) "Å ;? \nÆH? mapcar(#[(g) "Å ;?
    Robert> \nÆH?
    Robert> emacspeak-url-template-url([cl-struct-emacspeak-url-template
    Robert> "Google Hits"
    Robert> "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&num=%s"; ("Google
    Robert> For: " #[nil "?"
    Robert> [emacspeak-websearch-google-number-of-results] 1])
    Robert> nil "Only show Google hits." #[(url)
    Robert> "ÁÂÃ#?" [url
    Robert> emacspeak-we-extract-by-class "g" speak] 4] nil])
    Robert> emacspeak-url-template-open([cl-struct-emacspeak-url-template
    Robert> "Google Hits"
    Robert> "http://www.google.com/search?q=%s&num=%s"; ("Google
    Robert> For: " #[nil "?"
    Robert> [emacspeak-websearch-google-number-of-results] 1])
    Robert> nil "Only show Google hits." #[(url)
    Robert> "ÁÂÃ#?" [url
    Robert> emacspeak-we-extract-by-class "g" speak] 4] nil])
    Robert> emacspeak-url-template-fetch(nil)
    Robert> call-interactively(emacspeak-url-template-fetch)
    Robert> Concerning this particular error, I looked at
    Robert> emacspeak-websearch.el and the variable is defined
    Robert> there.  I also checked the variable via C-h v and
    Robert> nothing is amiss.
    Robert> Looking in the Messages buffer does not show anything
    Robert> out of place when trying to apply transforms to
    Robert> particular pages.
    Robert> When copying this backtrace, I did a M-w and the
    Robert> speech of the line being read did not stop like it
    Robert> used to do so that the message about "x" lines being
    Robert> sent to the kill ring was read.  If this is not
    Robert> clear, as I fear might be the case, let me know and I
    Robert> will clarify.
    Robert> When doing minibuffer completion, the whole of the
    Robert> line from the prompt is being read.  Behavior for me
    Robert> used to be that it read only the word being
    Robert> completed, IIRC, maybe only the part of the word that
    Robert> was completed.
    Robert> Here are the version numbers:
    Robert> emacs: GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu) of
    Robert> 2007-08-01 on t40
    Robert> emacspeak: 26.0 revision 5015 m
    Robert> w3: WWW p4.0pre.47, URL Emacs
    Robert> I did not remember seeing anything in the past
    Robert> concerning these issues on the list.  If these issues
    Robert> are known and are being resolved, sorry.
    Robert> Thanks, rdc -- Robert D. Crawford rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx
    Robert> Q: What do you call a boomerang that doesn't come
    Robert> back?  A: A stick.
    Robert> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Robert> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
    Robert> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
    Robert> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
    Robert> "unsubscribe" or "help"

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