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Re: newe to emacs

Hi Rob,

I think there are outstanding issues about using festival with
Emacspeak. Indeed, I seem to recall Tim Cross writing and saying that
it is _not_ a good idea to use festival as the engine to drive

Also, aptget eflite will only install eflite, don't you also have to
install flite?
I do not use ubuntu but  use Fedora instead. So I don't know how
aptget behaves when installing a tiny package like eflite which
depends on a huge package like flite.

Rob Hill writes:
 > Negoslav Sabev writes:
 >  > Depends what language you need it for. In English you could use festival, 
 >  > flite, or ESpeak. The 3 of them are free.
 >  > Wich one of those is the best? I mean
 >  >  stable and well sounding. If it supports multiple languages would be even 
 >  > better.
 > You could install them both, and make your own mind up.  You can
 > switch between speech synthesisers in emacspeak by using 
 > control-e d d
 > which prompts for the synthesiser to use.  
 > sudo apt-get install eflite emacspeak
 > will install eflite.
 > Rob
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