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Outloud Default Rate not taking?

Hello Zac and list,

I found this too.  Restarting emacspeak with c-e c-s sets the new
speech rate, otherwise as a permanent fix, I invoke emacspeak from the
shell prompt as:

$ emacs

the first few lines of my ~/.emacs file being:

(setq dtk-program "outloud")
(setq outloud-default-speech-rate 75)
(load-file  "/home/rob/emacspeak-27.0/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el")

You'll need to alter the last line according to where your emacspeak
lives, of course.  The speech rate variable didn't seem to work unless
it was loaded before emacspeak.  I deleted the speech rate setting
from the custom section of the ~/.emacs file.


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