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Re: Emacspeak still fails after unicode merge

"Robert J. Chassell" <bob@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> As of 2008 Feb 28, Emacspeak still fails after the unicode merge at
> the beginning of February 2008.
> I cannot do `C-n' (next-line) and instead see this error:
>     ad-Orig-next-line: Variable binding depth exceeds max-specpdl-size
> I haven't the foggiest idea what to do.  Anyone have success?

I updated emacs, emacspeak, w3, and emacs-w3m tonight.  All were from
cvs or svn.  Version numbers and compilation commands are as follows:

GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu) of 2008-02-28 on t40
make clean
./configure  --prefix=/home/rdc --without-x-toolkit --without-toolkit-scroll-bars
make bootstrap
make install

27.0 revision 5474m fast dog
make clean && make README && make config && make emacspeak 
I *believe* the only thing changed is the prefix in the makefile so that
it is installed in $HOME

WWW p4.0pre.47, URL Emacs
make clean 
./configure --prefix=/home/rdc 
make && make install

make clean 
./configure --prefix=/home/rdc --disable-menu --disable-mouse  
make && make install

I removed the '(max-specpdl-size 4096) from my .emacs and all seems to
be well so far.

>     export EMACS_UNIBYTE=1
>     export DTK_PROGRAM=/usr/local/bin/eflite

The values of these variables are:

rdc@xxxxxxxxxxx:~$ echo $EMACS_UNIBYTE
rdc@xxxxxxxxxxx:~$ echo $DTK_PROGRAM

but I have the following set in my .emacs

(setq default-enable-multibyte-characters t)

for Lukas's patch, not sure if it is necessary anymore, and 

 '(enable-multibyte-characters t)
 '(current-language-environment "UTF-8")

These seem to mostly fix problems I was having with unknown character
issues in w3m.

maybe this helps, but I doubt it,
Robert D. Crawford                                      rdc1x@xxxxxxxxxxx

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