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Re: Pronunciation in emacs-w3m mode

post that patch anyway, if nothing else it should at least be
checked into the contrib area so it doesn't get lost.

>>>>> "Lukas" == Lukas Loehrer <listaddr1@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Lukas> Hi Rob,
    Lukas> what speech server are you using. The phenomenon you
    Lukas> are seeing might be a result of the utf-8 fixes that
    Lukas> went into emacspeak 28. Enabling dtk-strip-octals
    Lukas> (dtk-toggle-strip-octals) should get rid of those
    Lukas> characters. Another option is to apply my unicode
    Lukas> substitution patch, of which I can post a new version
    Lukas> for emacspeak 28 if there is interest.
    Lukas> Best regards, Lukas
    Lukas> Rob Hill writes ("Pronunciation in emacs-w3m mode"):
    >> Hello list,
    >> I'm not sure whether it's since upgrading to ubuntu hardy,
    >> or to emacspeak 28.0, since I did both around the same
    >> time, but now many characters in web pages displayed by
    >> emacs-w3m are read as "question-mark'.  If I left-arrow
    >> back to the offending character, an octile number is read
    >> out, e.g.'octile 1,234,642 before each link in the
    >> emacs-w3m bookmarks file.  I started to redefine
    >> pronunciations for these characters, making them silent,
    >> but they seem to be too numerous to make this
    >> practicable. How can I prevent emacspeak from speaking all
    >> these characters as 'question mark'?
    >> I'm using ubuntu hardy, emacspeak 28.0 with voxin tts,
    >> w3m-el version 1.4.4-6, and emacs22.
    >> Thanks,
    >> Rob
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To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your address on
    Lukas> the emacspeak list send mail to
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    Lukas> "unsubscribe" or "help"

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