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Re: [emacspeak The Complete Audio Desktop] Leveraging Web 2.0 Design Patterns For...

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 03:30:13PM -0700, T. V. Raman wrote:
> We will
> base this session on project Google-AxsJAX. Developers should know
> JavaScript, but session doesn't require deep AJAX hackery.

With apologies to Raman and others for the off-topic question:
What is the best, accessible, book or tutorial on Javascript that I can add to
my admittedly already long reading list?

I have already followed Raman's earlier blog post and installed MozRepl; I
recommend it to other Emacspeak users interested in Javascript and Firefox.
Realistically, I'm not sure when I'll find time for the reading, but since
Javascript is going to be such a large part of Web accessibility henceforth,
it's time to start learning.

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