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[patch] espeak server should not install .so file in /usr/share/emacs

I  am not yet comfortable in putting files from emacspeak across
diferent parts of the file system -- it   makes cleaning up after
a mess. I dont like /usr/lib/emacspeak for that reason; I also
dislike the /etc/ hacks out there in some of the de debian packages.


On 1/2/10, William Hubbs <w.d.hubbs@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Raman,
> because of the way the makefiles are set up now for emacspeak, it is
> possible for us on gentoo to automatically build the tclespeak.so module
> if the user requests that when they install emacspeak.  However, the
> default location where the .so is installed is not correct according to
> bug http://bugs.gentoo.org/298012.
> The same issue will also apply to the dtk-soft and outloud servers.
> I have patches for the dtk-soft and espeak servers below.  But I haven't
> written one for the outloud server yet since it uses the $tclTTS
> variable not only for the .so path, but for the path to eci.ini as well.
> These patches install the .so files in /usr/lib/emacspeak.  What do you
> think about putting them there?  Also, where should we put eci.ini?
> Maybe /etc/emacspeak?
> William

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