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Re: w3

Hi Dan,
This is easy. You need to install the emacs sources, which aren't included with Debian's package by default. You want emacs23-el, I believe.
Install them and try configuring and compiling again.
Hope this helps,

On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, Daniel Dalton wrote:

Hi guys,

i need to be able to navigate data in tables. I've decided to use w3
under emacspeak to do this. Or does anyone have a better option for
table navigation? (html) (on the command line)

Anyway I try and compile w3 these are the steps I take:

1. check w3 out from git:
git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/w3.git

2. Configure:
./configure This looks to go ok, it informs me how to compile with make
after it has executed.

3. make:
I get an error at this point:

Generating autoloads for /home/daniel/git/w3/lisp/w3.el...done
Saving file /home/daniel/git/w3/lisp/auto-autoloads.el...
Wrote /home/daniel/git/w3/lisp/auto-autoloads.el
Saving file /home/daniel/git/w3/lisp/w3-auto.el...
Wrote /home/daniel/git/w3/lisp/w3-auto.el
URLDIR=/usr/share/emacs/23.1/lisp/url/ W3SRCDIR=. emacs -batch -q
-no-site-file -l ./docomp.el -l
/usr/share/emacs/23.1/lisp/url//url-vars.el -l ./w3-vars.el -f
emacs-batch-build-custom-load .
Cannot open load file: /usr/share/emacs/23.1/lisp/url/url-vars.el
make[1]: *** [custom-load.el] Error 255
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/daniel/git/w3/lisp'
make: *** [w3] Error 2

If someone could point me to a solution I'd greatly appreciate it.


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