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Re: Reading bookshare with emacspeak

Hash: RIPEMD160

I too have never been able to use the daisy reader either.  I used to
get that prompt and when I would start outline-mode explicitly first,
then that prompt would go away but I still couldn't get the thing to
work.  I got as far as loading the entire .xml file into w3 but I
couldn't navigate anyplace.  I asked around here several times in the
past and never got anywhere so I'm beginning to doube anyone has been
successful with the thing.  Good luck.

On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:06:35PM -0800, Zachary Kline wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to read the Daisy books from bookshare.org with Emacspeak,
> but running into problems.  When I hit enter on a segment of the book, I
> either see a message about outline-regexp having void value as a
> variable, or if I arbitrarily set it to something the raw XML file
> opens.
> Is the Daisy reader not designed to handle Bookshare books, or is there
> something obvious I'm missing?  I'm not sure what to set outline-regexp
> to.
> Best and thanks for any help,
> Zack.
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