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dtk-exp fixes for DECtalk USB

Hi All,
I was interested in getting Emacspeak working with the DecTalk USB in
serial mode, which supposedly emulates an Express.  It initially gave
many errors and behaved poorly when the l{} function was used to do
character-at-a-time output.  I've modified the server so it gives fewer
errors in everyday use and l works properly.  I'm not quite sure about
the latter change: the way I did it might not be as precise as the original.
Anyhow, here's a patch.
*** dtk-exp	2010-03-21 13:29:45.527094593 -0700
--- /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/dtk-exp	2010-03-21 10:05:03.000000000 -0700
*** 113,119 ****
      set f  $tts(say_rate)
      tts_gobble_acknowledgements 0.001
      puts -nonewline  $tts(write)\
!         "\[_]\[:ra $f]\[:sa le]$text\[:sa c]"
          return ""
--- 113,119 ----
      set f  $tts(say_rate)
      tts_gobble_acknowledgements 0.001
      puts -nonewline  $tts(write)\
!         "\[_]\[:ra $f]\[:sa wo]$text \[:sa c]"
          return ""
*** 162,168 ****
  proc t  {{pitch 440} {duration 50}} {
      global tts queue
!     set tone "\[:to $pitch $duration\]"
      set queue($tts(q_tail)) [list t $tone]
      incr tts(q_tail)
      return ""
--- 162,168 ----
  proc t  {{pitch 440} {duration 50}} {
      global tts queue
!     set tone "\[:to $pitch, $duration\]"
      set queue($tts(q_tail)) [list t $tone]
      incr tts(q_tail)
      return ""
*** 270,276 ****
              t {
                  set text  [lindex $event 1]
!                 puts -nonewline  $tts(write) "\[:i r 1 _.]$text\[_.] "
                  set retval [tts_get_acknowledgement ]
              a {
--- 270,276 ----
              t {
                  set text  [lindex $event 1]
!                 puts -nonewline  $tts(write) "\[:i r 1]$text\[_.] "
                  set retval [tts_get_acknowledgement ]
              a {
*** 326,337 ****
          regsub -all -- {-}  $element { } element
      if {$tts(capitalize) } {
!         regsub -all {[A-Z]} $element {[_ :to 440 10]&} element
      if {$tts(split_caps) } {
          if  {$tts(allcaps_beep)} {
!             set tone {[_:to 660 10]}
!             set abbrev_tone ":to 660 10"
          } else {
              set tone ""
              set abbrev_tone ""
--- 326,337 ----
          regsub -all -- {-}  $element { } element
      if {$tts(capitalize) } {
!         regsub -all {[A-Z]} $element {[_ :to 440, 10]&} element
      if {$tts(split_caps) } {
          if  {$tts(allcaps_beep)} {
!             set tone {[_:to 660, 10]}
!             set abbrev_tone ":to 660, 10"
          } else {
              set tone ""
              set abbrev_tone ""

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