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Re: Very preliminary Emacspeak advice for identica-mode

Here is a necessary bug fix.

I am having fun working on this, and as mentioned in the earlier post, there
will be a more complete version forthcoming.

diff --git a/emacs/emacspeak-identica.el b/emacs/emacspeak-identica.el
index a41d3f9..6441793 100644
--- a/emacs/emacspeak-identica.el
+++ b/emacs/emacspeak-identica.el
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
       ((start (point))
-       (end (identica-get-next-username-face-pos start)))
-    (and start end
-	 (emacspeak-speak-region start end))))
+       (end (or (identica-get-next-username-face-pos start)
+		(point-max))))
+    (emacspeak-speak-region start end)))

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