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Re: Unable to make settings permanent

Thank you David, Jason and Rob for answering my question below. I'm really starting to know emacs plus emacspeak. Pressing c-e C and customizing it has worked.


Em 15/8/2010 22:53, Cleverson Casarin Uliana escreveu:

I installed emacspeak on my Vinux distro by following instructions here:

Each time I invoke emacspeak, I have to reconfigure my speech rate and
character echo, because it doesn't save my settings. I have edited
/usr/bin/emacspeak as recomended, and changed the last line by removing
the -q switch, so it looks as follows:
exec emacs -l
/usr/share/emacs23/site-lisp/emacspeak/lisp/emacspeak-setup.el $INITSTR

It keeps on not saving my settings. Any idea what can I try please?

Thank you.


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