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Re: Emacspeak with Espeak on Ubuntu doesn't work

Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Most recent versions of pulseAudio work well for me on two different systems
> - one running 64bit and one running 32bit Linux.
> I now need to worry a lot less about the type of audio card, can multiplex
> different sound sources and setup usb devices, such as mcrophones and
> headsets just by plugging them in. I can vary the volume of different sound
> sources and can stream different sources over the network to different
> mahcines. All in all, a lot more flexible and easier to run than just plain
> alsa

According to Lennart Poettering, the principal author of PulseAudio, it has
exposed bugs in Alsa drivers for various sound cards; hence many of the
problems that people experience are said to be caused not by PulseAudio itself
but by drivers, which have been and continue to be fixed.
> As time passes, it will become more difficult to not use pulseaudio than use
> it as this is the direction nearly all distributions are going. 

This is not quite correct. Jackd continues to be recommended (including by
PulseAudio developers) for low-latency audio editing and recording
applications. Based on what I've read from LWN and Lennart's blog, a
PulseAudio and Jackd merger is unlikely, as they serve different use cases and
meet different technical requirements.

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