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Re: Emacspeak tutorial complete

Yes the emacspeak tutorial is excellent.  But the first problem is and was getting emacspeak working so you could hear that tutorial.  That was the reason for our how to.


David J. Ring, Jr., N1EA
Chat Skype: djringjr MSN: djringjr@msn.com AIM: N1EA icq: 27380609
Radio-Officers Google Group -- Marine Morse Historic Recordings Page

On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 8:53 PM, Jason White <jason@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Alex Midence <alex.midence@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Wherever possible, I did my best to
> provide readers with a link to a reference source such as the
> Emacspeak Users Manual, the Org Manual, the Emacs Manual, ETC. so they
> could not only expand their .  learning of the current topic but,
> also, to get new users in the habit of consulting these resources as
> they progressed in level of advancement in Emacs.

The Emacs tutorial can be accessed with C-h t, and I think it's the best
starting point for any beginner in Emacs. It is supposed to be read prior to
the Emacs manual.

I haven't thought this out in detail, but it should be possible to read the
Emacs tutorial and use Info to read relevant parts of the Emacs manual without
knowing many Emacspeak-specific commands in advance. Once you know how to use
the Emacs help system and how to customize Emacs (all of which is documented
in the Emacs manual and partly in the Emacspeak tutorial as well now) most of
the information required is right there within a running Emacs session.

I can't emphasize highly enough the importance of reading documentation in a
methodical fashion, a habit which I acquired many years ago and which has
always paid generous rewards. Practice is of course fundamentally important so
those key bindings, shell commands etc. can be recalled effortlessly as the
system is used to solve problems while delivering that enormous productivity
of which it is capable. Finding relevant information in online documentation
becomes much quicker with practice as well.

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