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Re: Emacspeak tutorial complete

D.J.J. Ring, Jr. <n1ea@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Now that I know about it, I know what people here are talking about.
> Unfortunately many here use shorthand with some explanations.  No blame
> meant.  People are busy.
> You can understand that when a person says change the .bashrc file and they
> have none they get quite confused. <grin>.

I just looked it up in William E. Shotts Jr., The Linux Command Line:
which is a fairly up to date, well written, introductory book that every
newcomer to Linux should read.

~/.bahsrc is described in table 12-2 and the accompanying text - the author
even explains that it's a hidden file, and why. It's also in the table of

The problem is that many beginners aren't referred early on to appropriate,
quality documentation, much of which is available online.

I'm still looking for a very good online introduction to system administration
that I can recommend. There are great books from O'Reilly, of course, which
are accessible thanks to Bookshare - and even easier to read now that
Emacspeak has the Bookshare extension, which I really need to test at some
point soon.

For the uninitiated, system administration is concerned with knowing how to
configure your operating system, e.g., by editing files under /etc and running
privileged administration commands.

I'm no doubt straying too far off-topic here, so I'll end my comments at this

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