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Re: Organ Music

Hello David,

Check the value of this variable


Here is what I get:

emacspeak-play-program is a variable defined in `emacspeak-sounds.el'.
Its value is "/usr/bin/aplay"

  This variable is potentially risky when used as a file local variable.

Name of executable that plays sound files. 

The next thing I would check is whether or not the auditory icons are
set to be used with the value of 


If the value is nil, set it to t.


"David J. Ring, Jr." <n1ea@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hello on one of my computers I put the SVN version of emacspeak.  It
> is really nice and when it starts I hear wonderful organ music.
> I tried putting the SVN version on my other computer but it has all
> the new features but it doesn't play the organ music.
> Someone told me I needed aplay but I have aplay on both computers.
> How can I tell emacspeak to play the organ for me when it starts?
> Thanks
> David
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