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Re: Organ Music

No, I think he's still talking about the .emacs file. You can execute
code fragments from your .emacs file if you want them active in your
current session. There's nothing special about the scratch buffer in
this sense.

Wow, without having the complete thread attached below, it's impossible
to provide much more help. I think someone was talking about the startup
sounds, so to hear these, you'd have to set this variable inyour .emacs
file, save the file and then restart Emacs.

If you're just talking about the auditory icons, you can turn these on
with C-e C-a or C-u C-e C-a to turn them on globally.

On 29/10/11 20:05, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. wrote:
> Oh, now you must be talking about putting it in the scratch buffer
> instead of directly into the ~/.emacs file.
> I thought it was C-j to evaluate there, but I will use C-x C-e as you say.
> Thank you very much.  I like organ music.  If anyone wants a good
> music album there are two terrific ones - one is of the Atlantic City
> boardwalk organ and the other one is of the Sidney, Australia Opera
> House organ - two octaves below the lowest C of the piano or 8 Hz!
> The pipe is 64 feet long and vibrates the whole room - if you have a
> big speaker system - or commercial system - this is better than the
> starting note in Thus Spoke Zarathustra (2001 Space Odyssey) which is
> 16 cycles per second vibration.
> You don't so much hear these notes but feel them - but the sensation
> is very odd - it feels so strange!
> David
> On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 8:22 PM, Rob Hill <robhill@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello David,
>> That's right.  You'll then have to place the cursor after the last
>> right paren, and press c-x c-e to evaluate (activate) the variable.
>> Don't forget to save it too.
>> Rob
>> D.J.J. Ring, Jr. writes:
>>  > plain text, ISO-8859-1              [Press RETURN to display text]
>> --
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