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Re: Compilation of espeak server for emacspeak35 on Debian Squeeze

I suspect you can fix that permission issue by adding yourself to
the right group -- it's also a safe guess that you're losing
perms to the pulseaudio devices when you're not at the console.

>>>>> "Janina" == Janina Sajka <janina@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Janina> Tim Cross writes:
    >> Personally, I find it necessary to build espeak from the
    >> dev sources and modify the espeak makefile so that it
    >> links against pulseaudio rather than protaudio. The
    >> default debian/ubuntu build is linked against portaudio,
    >> which I find makes espeak more sluggish and unresponsive
    >> than necessary. Others have reported never geting
    >> pulsaudio working reliably and I seem to be alone in this,
    >> but it works really well for me (I now use pulsaudio for
    >> ViaVoice outlouad as well and no longer require any
    >> .asoundrc file).
    Janina> Interesting. I can see how this could work for
    Janina> Emacspeak users just as it does for Orca.
    Janina> Unfortunately, for those of us who also use Speakup,
    Janina> pulse audio isn't an option inasmuch as it truncates
    Janina> audio output as soon as one switches consoles,
    Janina> e.g. Alt-F2.
    Janina> It's actually quite quaint in how it resumes playing
    Janina> the stream exactly where it was interrupted when you
    Janina> return to the original console.
    Janina> But there's another reason why I don't see pulseaudio
    Janina> being acceptable as an adequate solution, namely that
    Janina> it denies audio device access to root. Go
    Janina> figure. /dev/vcs* isn't denied to root, but audio
    Janina> is. May you never see the dreaded "Give root password
    Janina> for system maintenance."
    Janina> Janina
    Janina> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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