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Re: The great software speech server hunt

Thanks, Jason.  I got another offer as well, so that would make two
testers, which sounds perfect.  I worked a bit on the Linux installer
over the weekend, and we're doing some last minute testing in Windows,
but then we'll release speech-hub for NVDA and Orca, and next week I
can start on emacspeak support.


On 1/30/12, Jason White <jason@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Bill Cox <waywardgeek@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I believe Isaac Porat and I will finally release a Windows version of
>> speech-hub tomorrow, and I'm in the critical path for releasing it for
>> Linux, which should be within a week.  It comes with Svox Pico and
>> Mary TTS voices, in addition to espeak, and while I'm biased because
>> of my involvement, I think these are the best FOSS voices available,
>> and I think speech-hub will be the most stable and reliable speech
>> server ever.
> I may be in a position to help with testing if you write an Emacspeak speech
> server for it.
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