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Re: Emacspeak on a Mac

My recommended way of setting up pysox is via the source (instructions
found at):
Note the cython dependency mentioned in their README.

If you're able to import pysox from the interpreter, then all should
work (if not, an error message would help trace the issue further).
This worked for me on a clean 10.7 install with sox from port.

On 2/4/12, Steve Holmes <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm following the HOWTO.org file found at the emacspeak-mac site
> (sorry, forget the URL just now) and I got as far as installing
> pysox.  Unfortunately, I followed the step to "easy_install" and it
> appeared to install OK except the mac speech server won't work.  I
> have errors due to the wrong architecture.  The FIXME hints at the
> bottom of this page suggest a manual installation of pysox and hacking
> the arch paramater.
> My question now is, How can I remove the existing installation of
> pysox so I can then go on with the manual steps thus outlined?
> Everything up to this point installed fine including emacspeak itself.
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks much.
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