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Re: remote into emacspeak session running on a mac


Here are roughly the steps I take to run emacs on a remote machine
with a local speech server:
1. ssh into remote machine.
2. Ensure you can ssh back into your local machine via ssh without
authentication (via installed ssh-agent rsa key pairs or some other
3. start emacs/emacspeak on remote machine with one of the ss-*
servers selected (i.e. DTK_PROGRAM=ssh-outloud). In essence, the ssh-*
scripts simply starts a local instance of the * speech server; you
will likely have to understand/read the actual script to ensure the
proper hostname, username, etc are being set and where the script is
trying to gather that information from.

As I mentioned earlier, I have a somewhat hacked up configuration for
a linux box so I simply manually start a local instance of the speech
server from my remote linux machine's .emacs. I also prompt for a
password each time I start emacs on that remote machine since I don't
want to allow for unauthenticated ssh sessions to my local machine. I
can share that snippet of elisp and ssh-mac if you're interested
though I believe you're attempting the converse (local linux,remote

On 2/12/12, Florian-achtige <florianbeijers@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Please do provide some more pointers. I am mediocre at linux and
> almost complete newbie at all things emacs. I think I sort of grasp
> what the end result is supposed to be, but I have no idea how to reach
> it.
> Also, I am currently not running the latest emacspeak from the repo
> because of the pySox module giving me problems when testing the mac
> speech server. Is this a prerequisite?
> Florian
> 2012/2/12, David Tseng <davidtseng@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Ok; I've got a patch on the way.
>> Florian, I took your use case as remoting _from_ linux _to_ mac; let
>> us know how that goes and if you need further pointers.
>> - David

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