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org-drill and emacspeak

There are a lot of org support modules -- and  they'll all do
better with smarter advice.

As for where to start advicing and how to decide what to advice,
here are a few rules of thumb:

1. Best to start with the interactive commands in the tool you're

2.  In some rare cases -- you want to advice a core building
block that are called by a lot of interactive commands.

>>>>> "Bart" == Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
    Bart> Hi everyone, Has anyone ever tried to get org-drill to
    Bart> work with emacspeak?
    Bart> Without any advice it appears to work not well at
    Bart> all. I've had a quick look at the code and am not sure
    Bart> exactly where to start advising.
    Bart> I'm guessing that the best way to speech enable it is
    Bart> to have emacspeak read the card before org-drill
    Bart> prompts you for how well you recalled it.
    >> From what I can tell you are first shown part of the card,
    >> then you hit
    Bart> a key and the rest is revealed. You then score how well
    Bart> you did.
    Bart> Just wondering if there is any interest in getting this
    Bart> working with emacspeak and/if anyone has suggestions on
    Bart> how to go abou tit?
    Bart> I paste an excerpt from the readme for some background.
    Bart> Org-Drill is an extension for
    Bart> [[http://orgmode.org/][Org mode]]. Org-Drill uses a
    Bart> [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaced_repetition][spaced
    Bart> repetition]] algorithm to conduct interactive "drill
    Bart> sessions", using org files as sources of facts to be
    Bart> memorised. Each topic is treated as a "flash card". The
    Bart> material to be remembered is presented to the student
    Bart> in random order. The student rates his or her recall of
    Bart> each item, and this information is used to schedule the
    Bart> item for later revision.
    Bart> Each drill session can be restricted to topics in the
    Bart> current buffer (default), one or several files, all
    Bart> agenda files, or a subtree. A single topic can also be
    Bart> drilled.
    Bart> Different "topic types" can be defined, which present
    Bart> their information to the student in different ways.
    Bart> For more on the spaced repetition algorithm, and
    Bart> examples of other programs that use it, see: -
    Bart> [[http://supermemo.com/index.htm][SuperMemo]] (see
    Bart> descriptions of the SM2, SM5 and SM8 algorithms) -
    Bart> [[http://ichi2.net/anki/][Anki]] -
    Bart> [[http://mnemosyne-proj.org/index.php][Mnemosyne]]
    Bart> Org-Drill comes bundled with Org mode, in the "contrib"
    Bart> directory. Org-Drill also has its own repository, which
    Bart> is updated more regularly than the bundled version. The
    Bart> repository is at:
    Bart> http://bitbucket.org/eeeickythump/org-drill
    Bart> Cheers
    Bart> Bart
    Bart> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Bart> To unsubscribe from the emacspeak list or change your
    Bart> address on the emacspeak list send mail to
    Bart> "emacspeak-request@xxxxxxxxxxx" with a subject of
    Bart> "unsubscribe" or "help".

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