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Re: outloud and tones

Hey Jason,

Don't have a real linux box handy to test with ATM. 

Will get my hands on one and see if it makes a difference.

Had a brief google search but didn't turn up much.  Will look further
and see what I can find.


Jason White <jason@xxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Bart Bunting <bart@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> I'm having issues with beep running under vmware and can't quite figure
>> out what the issue is. 
>> Obviously it is trying to do something... as it hangs for the period of
>> the generated beep.
>> The man page suggests that there may be issues if run from an xterm,
>> which in a way was what I was trying.  Also tried as root from a console
>> and no joy either.
> The handling of the PC speaker was changed a while ago; you may need to load a
> module or play with Alsa settings via amixer. It's possible that your
> virtualization environment doesn't emulate the PC speaker device at all. A
> quick Web search should help here.
> Pcspkr used to be the required kernel module, but as I recall, this has changed now.
> Do you experience any of the same issues when running Linux and Emacspeak
> directly on hardware without virtualization involved?
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