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Emacspeak on CentOS 6.2

Hi All,

I have installed emacspeak 35.0 on CentOS 6.2 and configured to use linux-espeak (DTK_PROGRAM=espeak). I had to change a bit the Makefile in servers/linux-espeak directory to get compiled as OS has tcl 8.5 and it is compiled with success.  But  i'm getting very slow and broken speech when start emacspeak and not found a way to fix that problem. Basically after welcome message  which is pronounced fine, when positioning on some text it answer with big latency and slowly.   
Does anybody have success with using emacspeak 35.0 & espeak on CentOS 6.2 with USB sound device? 
Also is there a recommendation for Linux OS distribution (possibly latest) to be used?


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