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Re: emacspeak and w3

Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> OK, will try and get a version of the chrome browser from google which
> has the macl stuff built in - rather irritating if Ubuntu doesn't do
> this.

I've successfully built Chromium trunk from source a few times, but ran into
some serious issues with it in both occasions. (The problems weren't
necessarily with the Chromium code; they could have been with my libraries -
for example, it built against a locally installed nss library instead of its
own and crashed as a result.)

Given this experience, I'm certainly in a position to help test any packaging
work, or indeed to collaborate on anything else that involves building
Chromium with or without patches. If someone on the Debian side works on the
Nacl packaging, I can assist with testing.

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