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Re: emacspeak and w3

Given how easy it is to get a ready to run deb package from google
directly and given how strict debian can be with respect to licensing,
I suspect the easiest avenue is to just use the google built package.
They provide [aclages which should just work for any debian, red hat
or opensuse based distros, which I expect is a majority of those out
there and they do both 64 and 32 bit.


On 13 May 2012 17:59, Jason White <jason@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> OK, will try and get a version of the chrome browser from google which
>> has the macl stuff built in - rather irritating if Ubuntu doesn't do
>> this.
> I've successfully built Chromium trunk from source a few times, but ran into
> some serious issues with it in both occasions. (The problems weren't
> necessarily with the Chromium code; they could have been with my libraries -
> for example, it built against a locally installed nss library instead of its
> own and crashed as a result.)
> Given this experience, I'm certainly in a position to help test any packaging
> work, or indeed to collaborate on anything else that involves building
> Chromium with or without patches. If someone on the Debian side works on the
> Nacl packaging, I can assist with testing.
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Tim Cross

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