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Re: emacspeak and w3

On 13/05/12 10:08, T. V. Raman wrote:
> 0. Investigate the options on the chromevox options page:  
> chrome://extensions, then click chromevox options.
> Note that as an alternative to the modifier key -- which requires
> you to hold down ctrl-alt on linux, you can define a "prefix key"
> I use C-;  -- you could even use C-e.  Once you set up the prefix
> key,  the keyboarding model feels more like emacs -- e.g. C-; nh
> gets next heading for instance.

I've looked, but I don't see where to set up a prefix key. What am I
doing wrong?

I did change my modifier key combination to Shift+Alt, which seems to
have fewer collisions in Ubuntu than Ctrl+Alt.

Christopher (CJ)

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