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Re: multi-level undo

I've checked in a change that now uses post-self-insert-hook to
handle spoken feedback while typing.

This is a fairly substantial change -- though the code change is
small; will need a lot of testing in various contexts. For one
thing the change causes to jibber a lot more while starting up.


On 5/19/12, Tim Cross <theophilusx@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> That made no difference for me. Was the first thing I tried. Here is
> the recipe I'm using.
> Run emacs with emacspeak
> Open a buffer called undo.txt
> Type the following, noting the blank line between each line
> ----------------------------------------
> This is line 1
> This is line 2
> This is line 3
> This is line 4
> --------------------------------------------------
> With the cursor at the end, just following 4, type C-/
> With emacspeak running, the cursor jumps to the end of line 3 and
> deletes the contents from the cursor (now just after the 3) to the end
> (i.e. following the 4 in line 4). Then, hitting C-/ again, the deleted
> text is restored, however, the cursor is not moved - it stays on the
> line which says, this is line 3. Hitting C-/ again deletes all text
> from the cursor to the end of the buffer i.e. the blank line and the
> line which says This is line 4. Hitting C-/ again restores the delted
> text. Subsequent C-/ just cycles between these two states.
> Now, doing the same without emacspeak loaded is very different.
> With the same input file, place the cursor at the end of the last
> line, following the 4. Hit C-/ deletes the line the cursor is on -
> leaving the cursor at the beginning of the line. Hitting C-/ a seond
> time moves the cursor to the end of the line which says This is line
> 3, deleting the blank line. Hitting C-/ again deletes the line the
> cursor is on and leaves the cursor at the beginning of the line.
> Hitting C-/ again moves the cursor to the end of the line which says
> This is line 2, leaving the cursor just after the 2 and deletes the
> following blank line. Hitting it again deletes the line the cursor is
> on, leaving it at the beginning of the line an hitting it again, moves
> the cursor to the end of the first line, just after the 1 and deletes
> the blank line. Hitting it one last time and your back at the
> beginning with the buffer the way it was before you typed the first
> line of text.
> Tim
> On 20 May 2012 12:53, Jason White <jason@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Try M-x undo-only and see if that restores previous changes. It works for
>> me.
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> --
> Tim Cross
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