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Re: viewing pdf, doc etc files

I just run Emacspeak in a console, and when I try to bring up a PDF, I
get the question "Unable to render file, view extracted text instead?"
If I answer "y", I get the extracted text in a buffer.

On 23/07/12 08:07, Bart Bunting wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Can anyone share their current setup for viewing pdf or doc files in
> emacs?
> I have been thinking that it would be possible to use unoconv to convert
> all manner of files to text and view them from emacs.
> All this works just fine from the commandline.  Was wondering if anyone
> has this already setup and if so how?
> I'm trying to figure out how to hook it nicely into dired mode etc.
> I see the emacspeak-wizards-pdf-open function which works when called
> interactively but can't see how to replace doc-view when calling
> view-file with v in dired.
> Kind regards
> Bart

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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