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RE: viewing pdf, doc etc files

Hi, all,

In reading these responses to the problem of viewing PDF's using Emacspeak,
the question that comes to my mind is this:

How does one deal with PDF forms?  For instance, I am currently attending a
summer math class.  My professor sent out a pdf form which we filled out to
provide her with personal information and that sort of thing.  This is a
distance learning course.  How would somebody who, unlike me, lacks the
luxury of bringing windows up and launching Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader
with Jaws to read the screen manage to submit such a form to an instructor
or employer?  

Alex M

-----Original Message-----
From: T. V. Raman [mailto:tv.raman.tv@xxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 9:11 PM
To: jason@xxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: emacspeak@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: viewing pdf, doc etc files

For pdf, emacspeak has a convenience command   that Ibind to
hyper  p  runs the command emacspeak-wizards-pdf-open

-- for docx files etc, I use lowriter --headless --- at some
   point it would be handy to advice emacs' functionality for
   opening pdf and doc files to use these convertors -- rather
   than launching an X-window displaying the visual presentation
   -- hasn't proven worth the effort of writing something like
   this yet.

Best Regards,

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