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Turning Off voice-lock mode When Emacspeak Starts

The following on my Linux  box just verified that things work as

1. Go to the scratch buffer
2. type global-voice-lock-mode and evaluate it by pressing C-x
C-e  if it is on it'll diplay T in the minibuffer.

3. Now, Type "testing" on the next line  and confirm that
voice-lock is taking effect -- you should hear the voice change;
pressing C-e M-v will show the personality and face at point --
do this with the cursor within the string you just typed.

4. Turn off voice lock -- M-x global-voice-lock-mode  should
display an appropriate message in the minibuffer
5. Cursor back to the line with "testing"and on my Linux box the
personality property goes away and you dont hear a voice change.

Best Regards,

On 12/16/12, Haden Pike <haden.pike@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been trying for the last little while to get Emacspeak to start
> with voice-lock-mode disabled.  I'm using Mac OS 10.8.2, Emacs 24.2,
> Emacspeak from SVN and the mac speech server.
> I've tried three different times, with different lines in my .emacs.
> The first time I turned it off via costumize and my .emacs read as follows:
> (custom-set-variables
>   ' (global-voice-lock-mode nil)
> )
> The second time, I started with a fresh .emacs, which contained the line:
> (setq global-voice-lock-mode nil)
> The last time was nearly identical to the previous .emacs, except that
> it read like this instead:
> (global-voice-lock-mode nil)
> I'm not quite sure what I'm missing, though I'll freely admit that I'm
> still a beginner when it comes to Emacs and Emacspeak.
> Thank you,
> Haden
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