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Re: Install guide for MACOSX

It's pretty much the same for every OS. The only difference is that you need to install PySox for the mac speech server - I used homebrew to install sox, which is what PySox interfaces to, then used pip (or easy_install, whichever) to install PySox like so:

$ sudo easy_install pysox

or, for pip:

$ sudo pip install pysox

Then, DTK_PROGRAM should be set to "mac:

export DTK_PROGRAM="mac"

Everything else is the same for installing Emacspeak on every other platform.

On 12/19/2012 8:03 PM, John Morgan wrote:
Is there a guide for installing emacspeak on MACOSX?

On 12/19/12, Jason White <jason@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Littlefield, Tyler <tyler@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

It's really irritating when the volume just randomly changes on you
for me. I guess if it's something you start out with it's nice, but
I want my code read to me without my synth pausing and totally
switching on me; it tends to make things a lot harder to read and
It doesn't change the volume or pause with any of the synthesizers that I
used, so perhaps it's an issue with your particular synthesizer/speech

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