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Emacspeak with eSpeak losing speech on Vinux 4

Vinux 4 now ships with eSpeak 1.47 compiled to use the runtime option, i.e. it'll use PulseAudio if it's available and PortAudio otherwise. This is the setting I use when I recompile eSpeak myself to get rid of the situation where I lose the last syllable when using Emacspeak with eSpeak.

After installing Emacs24 and Emacspeak 37 and using the system-wide eSpeak in Vinux 4, I no longer have the problem where I lose that last syllable. However, I lose speech altogether after just a few lines are spoken. I poked around a bit, but is there a log for the Emacspeak eSpeak server or anywhere else I can look to see what the problem might be?
Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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