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Re: strange voicification of super/subscripts in LATeX documents

I've been having the same problem as Peter for a while too with
espeak. Turning off voice lock mode did not eliminate the problem. I
turn on text-mode to get around this annoyance, but I think this
disables auctex.

On 6/18/13, Jason White <jason@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter Rayner <prayner@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> When I look at the following equation:
>> \begin{equation}\label{eq:dunc}
>> C^2_{d} = C^2_{obs} + C^2_{mod}
>> \end{equation}
>> and I move up or down a line onto the body of the equation I hear
>> C caret 2 underscore etc etc
>> as I would like.
>> If I right-arrow (or ctrl-F) along the line  from the left I hear
>> c caret raise 0.3 underscore raise minus 0.3 etc etc
>> which I find less useful. I noticed it mainly in latex documents but
>> it's doing it in this email as I prepare it as well.
>> I'm running voxin as the speech-server.
> You could try temporarily turning off voice-lock-mode to see whether it is
> responsible for this.
> I just tested the above lines with the DECTALK Express driver and was
> unable
> to reproduce the problem. I'm running a recent version of Emacspeak from
> svn
> and Emacs 24.3.1 from Debian.
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