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slackware current emacspeak install nearly working

I used eflite for a synthesizer and chose eflite as the speech server for 
emacs with no hardware port since it's going out on the sound card.  
Before I ran emacspeak, I ran eflite eflite_test.txt and confirmed the 
eflite servr was working by the message that was spoken.  Then I tried 
running emacspeak and heard a beep then I heard a little organ music and a 
message spoke on the sound card saying this is emacspeak.  After that,I 
get process speaker not running after voice setup gets run I had to switch 
out of scratch buffer to hear that and into default messages buffer.  The 
version of emacspeak is what's shipped out on slackware current these 
days.  So can I do anything from here?  I could download and install 
current source code if necessary.

jude <jdashiel@xxxxxxxxxxx> About to block another web browser version?  
Ask yourself what Tim Berners-lee would do.

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