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Re: changing the speed of espeak on emacspeak

Hi Derek,

there are a number of ways to set the rate.

C-e d 1 to C-e d 0 will set the speech rate to one of 10 pre-defined speech rates

C-e d r will prompt for a rate and set it to that in the local buffer. Use a prefix arg to set it globally. 

As the different speech servers tend to interpret rates differently, I find the best thing to do is experiment with the different rates interactively with C-d r and then, once I've found the rate I like, set it either via the customise interface or by putting it into your emacs init file. This will ensure the rate is set each time you start emacs and emacspeak. 



Tim Cross
IT Security Manager, Information Technology
University of New England
Armidale N.S.W. 2350

Email: tcross@xxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: +61 2 6773 3210
Mobile: +61 428 212 217

On 07/10/2013, at 2:18 PM, derek riemer <driemer.riemer@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> I got the emacspeak ready. unfortunately when I start it up it sounds like a drugged man who hasn't slept in several weeks because it is talking so slow. Is there  a way to speed the speech up? also is there a command to pause the speech?
> Thanks,
> Derek
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